Orders/Questions 1-888-417-5214
Patina Copper on Solder is a Triple-S Product designed to develop a copper color on different solders (60-40 or 50-50) at room temperature. This solution is a non-chromate, non-cyanide solution. It is widely used on lighting fixtures, lamps, sculptures, gift items, etc... The surface will not chip, peel or flake off.

Product Description
Clean the part with Cleaner 104. Rinse with water & dry. Apply Patina Copper on Solder with a brush or spray or dip for 5-10 seconds. Wipe the surface with a clean cloth and dry. If necessary wipe the powder with an oily cloth to make the part brighter and darker.

The information stated herein is based on information and tests we believe to be reliable. The accuracy or completeness thereof is not guaranteed. Since conditions of use are outside our control, user shall, before using, determine the suitability of the product for his intended use and user assumes all risk and liability in connection therewith.